Thursday, July 24, 2008

In class today we saw a few more presentations from people in the class. The ones that stuck out in my head are the one of Fluxus and on John Cage. Fluxus was more like dadaism, things that don't particularly make sense. It's a bunch of noises put together which can really be anything. I guess I never realized that music is a type of art. We also learned about John Cage. One particular piece that stuck out in my head was the 4 minutes 33 second piece. This was a piece that had absolutely no noise. People just sat and looked at each other. I don't get how this is art. I understand that the audience gets a chance to interpret this silence in their own way, but I didn't realize it would be art. Do people actually pay to watch a show that doesn't really exist?? Until recently I never really looked at art, so maybe I don't understand it because I don't really grasp all the concepts. As Professor Monaghan said in class... different majors interpret art differently, and since I am not a design major I understand completely where she is coming. I have an extremely hard time interpreting and understanding art pieces sometimes. This class has definitely taught me that their is a whole different way to look at art.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

In today's class we talked about Stelarc. I found this extremely interesting because the man would do different experiments with his body. I cannot even understand how someone would be able to hang their body in the air by their flesh, mix their body fluids with another woman's, or even implant an ear in their arm. I cannot understand why someone would put themselves through the pain and how they can even stomach these things. I will admit though, I find it very interesting and I am curious to see this type of work which is why they probably do it to begin with, they know people will be interested.

The part of this class i enjoy very much is hearing about these kinds of artists. One's like Cindy Jackson, Orlan, and now Stelarc. I talked to a girl who had taken this class before and she told me to expect a lot more artists similar to them in upcoming presentations which I am excited to hear about.

Before talking this class, I never realized that this type of art existed. I would have never called this art before. I don't know what I would have called it. I believe that learning about these people have made the class very enjoyable. It makes me wonder what type of things people are going to try in the future!