Monday, June 23, 2008

For this Tuesday's class we were suppose to sign up to 2nd life and play the virtual reality game. I did this and found it to be a confusing game. I didn't get very into it, but I choose a character and walked around the world it brought me to right away. I started on a beach and ended up walking around a small town and climbing some hill. I didn't get very far in this game because my computer get freezing on me or completely shutting off. In the game I learned to fly and drive a car. I also tried to change my outfit and my appearance a little, but was unable to do so. I also tried to change my location, but I was unable to figure out how to do so. I don't get how people get so addicted to this game. I did not find it very fun, but then again, maybe if my computer didn't freeze every few minutes I would have figured it out. I also think it's crazy that people spend money on this game to buy items that aren't even really, only in the game. I watched a tv show on this game a few months ago. I do no remember what it was called, but it was a talk show on this reality game and how people get addicted to it. I saw that a little girl was addicted to it. She didn't have many friends at school and became addicted to this game because it allowed her to have people to talk to and a new life to live. I feel like this game could be dangerous for younger kids. They may have no idea who they are talking to when they meet someone and actually want to talk or meet them in real life. I wish I was able to play the game a little better to try and get a better understanding of why people like it so much.

Friday, June 20, 2008

During class yesterday we watched a clip from youtube called "Guys and Dolls." This was about guys that had dolls as their girlfriends. They said that it gave them someone to talk to and kept them from being lonely. I find this to be a little strange and kind of creepy. It reminds me a little of the movie "Lars and a Real Girl." This movie is about a man who has a girlfriend who is a doll. He introduces his girlfriend to family and friends who think he is crazy, but go along with it. I find this to be a little disturbing. It's sad that people go to these extremes to not be lonely. I feel bad for people like this, but then again, if it makes them happy then I guess that is a good thing.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Last week we talked about robots and if we believe they will one day take over the world. I find this to be a little scary to think about. Technology is rapidly becoming more and more advanced and slowly we are losing roles in the workforce because of them. Its scary to think about what would happen if technology became so advance that we are no longer needed for many jobs. I can only wonder how machines or robots will advance in the future and how they will replace us.

Friday, June 6, 2008

This week in class we did a lot of talking about Frankenstein. I actually really enjoyed reading this book and read it in just two days. I find it very interesting on how true it is when people say the quest for knowledge is dangerous. This book was a great example of that. I believe that Victor had very good intentions when he created this monster. He thought that he could create a better life through science. The ways he went about it were a little disturbing but he never thought that the monster would turn out the way he did.

This book also shows us the impact society has on ones behavior. It shows us why the monster grew up the way he did and why he hated life. It also makes me wonder how his life could have been different if Victor did not abondon him right at the beginning.